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Our First Digital Restoration Seminar

On 7 January, Julia Craig-McFeely, director of the Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music, led the Tudor Partbook project's first Digital Restoration Seminar in Oxford. Aimed at introducing scholars to what can be achieved through the digitial restoration of manuscript, the seminar combined practical advice on how to get started with examples of previous digital restoration projects undertaken by DIAMM. Participants included not only musicologists, but also art historians and literary scholars, and came from as far afield as Cardiff, Spain and Germany.

The Tudor Partbooks project will be undertaking a digital restoration of the Sadler partbooks and offering training to others who might make use of these techniques within and outside of musicology. Having introduced people to the basic concepts and potentials of digital restoration, we hope to hold some hand-ons workshops later in the year.

Last modified: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 17:45:03 GMT